After being the leader in Latin America, Uruguay exceeds the average download speed in residential Internet access services with regard to the United States. Our country currently has an average speed of 20.11 Megabits per second measured by Net Index, whereas the United States has 19.87 Megabits per second.

According to the fourth edition of the report «The price of connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean», by Hernán Galperín, researcher of the University of San Andrés (Udesa) and Conicet: Uruguay has one of the cheapest and fastest connections, holding a privileged position in Latin America in terms of connectivity.

With regard to rates, Uruguay in the 2010 – 2013 period ranked first since it has had the lowest prices in the past 3 years. As a result, if the drop in price is considered due to improved quality, a greater download speed has been made available without modifying rates.

According to data from the Net Index tool by Ookla, at present Uruguay has an average of 20.11 Mbps of download bandwidth for residential Internet access services, which places us in the topmost position in all Latin America and above the world average.

According to a study conducted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) we are one of the countries with the highest Internet penetration in Latin America. For the UN and the International Telecommunications Union (UIT) broadband plays a critical role in society as the key for economic development, since it increases productivity and allows new tools to be incorporated in work processes. Moreover, it promotes greater scientific and social development of a country.

Our company has developed cutting edge technology with great social commitment, which enables Uruguay to be prepared for the future, placing itself as a leading company in terms of telecommunications.