Varios han sido los medios, eventos, empresarios, políticos y personalidades que han destacado el Plan Ceibal, One Laptop per Child alrededor del mundo.
El pasado 7 de abril, el portal TheNextWeb publicó un artículo titulado, «El programa de Uruguay, One Laptop per Child: impacto y números«
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Uruguay’s One Laptop Per Child program: Impact and numbers
Uruguay may only have 3.3 million inhabitants, but this South American country has distributed more than half a million free laptops to its students and teachers over the last five years. This achievement is one of the results of Plan Ceibal, a highly ambitious initiative inspired by Nicholas Negroponte’s non-profit project, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).
As OLPC explains on its site, “the acronym “Ceibal” stands for Basic Informatic Educative Connectivity for Online Learning (Conectividad Educativa de Informática Básica para el Aprendizaje en Línea) and was chosen for the ceibo tree’s symbolic meaning to the Uruguayan people.”
Plan Ceibal got its kickstart in 2007 with a decree of then President Tabaré Vazquez, which detailed the program’s ambitions and was soon followed by a pilot project. It was also determined that the computers would be inexpensive XO-1 devices, previously known as “$100 laptops,” which quickly earned the nickname of “ceibalitas.”
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