“Uruguay started to build a National Climate Change Policy for the next 40 years”

2017-02-20T02:58:29-03:00May 17, 2016|Categories: Economy, Health, Science and Technology, Home, Newsletter, Society|Tags: |

Ramón Méndez is the driven force behind Uruguay’s energy diversification. Recently, Fortune magazine included Mendez in their 2016’ 50 World Greatest leaders poll. In this interview Méndez tells about the process made by Uruguay for a consensual national energy policy and the steps completed to challenge climate change, making the country a Global role model. [...]

Uruguay once again at Cannes 2015

2017-02-20T02:59:38-03:00September 1, 2015|Categories: Home, Newsletter, Society|

The Uruguayan stand once again present at Marché du Film in Cannes Festival which began on 13th May and closed on the 24th Cannes is the main film market which gathers international authorities, distributors, sales agents, buyers and film programmers from all over the world. Uruguay’s aim in Cannes is to promote the country as [...]

La marca Uruguay Natural tiene ocho nuevas empresas socias

2015-12-27T13:31:22-03:00May 19, 2015|Categories: Country Brand, Home, Newsletter, Society|Tags: , |

Ocho nuevas empresas uruguayas, de diferente índole y portes, pero todas dedicadas a la exportación de productos, suscribieron el pasado viernes 15 el convenio que las habilita a llevar la marca país "Uruguay Natural" como un aliciente más para el posicionamiento internacional, y también dentro del país. Las nuevas marcas socias de la marca pertenecen [...]

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