Interview with Rodrigo de la Parra, Vice President of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on his visit to Uruguay at the meeting of the working group in charge of developing ICANN’s Strategic Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. De la Parra said that Uruguay is on a par with the region and shows the best Internet development practices at an international level and the highest penetration rate in the region. The country has implemented what was provided in the World Summit on Information Society through its Agency for e-Government and Information Society (AGESIC).

ICANN’s Vice President highlighted Uruguay’s freedom and openness policies and the impact of Plan Ceibal program. He added that private and public competitiveness as well as penetration, quality and price indicators for telecommunications services look good compared to other countries in the region. Finally, he pointed out the need to ensure the medium and long-term sustainability of these conditions.

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